Things to Do in Louisville – July 2015

July Annual Events in Louisville









Courtesy of the Louisville Convention & Visitors Bureau


Blues, Brews & Barbeque Festival

Friday, July 10: 5pm-11:30pm | Saturday, July 11: 4pm-11:30pm | Sunday, July 12: 1pm-7pm
This festival has been heating up mid-summer since 1998, offering a chance to kick back and enjoy the intoxicating sounds of New Orleans and Memphis as well as some outstanding barbeque.

Blues, Brews and BBQ Festival website


Forecastle Festival

July 17th – 19th
Named one of the top 101 things to do in America by SPIN Magazine, the annual Forecastle Festival is held on the Belvedere, overlooking the scenic Ohio River. This Music, Art and Activism festival features more than 40 bands, 15 artists, and nearly 50 environmental organizations from five states.

Forecastle Festival website

Lebowski Fest

July 11th – 13th
The Lebowski Fest began in Louisville in 2002 and is a two-day celebration of all things related to the 1998 Coen brothers’ cult comedy, “The Big Lebowski.” Fans of the film (aka “Achievers”) come from far and wide to drink white Russians, throw some rocks; and party with an array of Dudes, Walters, and Maudes (not to mention a nihilist or two).

Lebowski Festival website

Louisville Orchestra Waterfront Festival

Saturday, July 4th
Celebrate Independence Day downtown on the Great Lawn with music, food and fireworks during the Louisville Orchestra’s 4th annual event fueled by Thorntons.
Louisville Orchestra Waterfront Festival website


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