Knowing how to effectively advertise your rental property can make all the difference in your profits a landlord in Louisville . Check out our latest blog for some great tips on how to advertise your rental property to attract the best tenants around!
Owning a rental property does nothing for you if it is sitting there empty. Once you buy an investment property in Louisville , you’ll need to know how to get people interested in it. Below, we offer several ways to effectively advertise and generate buzz for the house you want to rent in Louisville .
No matter what you are selling online, video is going to help. This is especially true with real estate. Being able to offer high-quality video and virtual tours of your rental property will give people a better idea of what to expect. Some virtual tours have music in the background, while others are narrated. Either way, be sure to have a plan of what you want to show and what you want to say. For a great virtual tour, you may want to call in a professional. If you do the videos yourself, remember that your first video may not be perfect, but you should always keep at it. Video is often shared on social media and can have positive effects on your SEO when done correctly. Video is a wonderful way to connect with more people who may be interested in renting your home. Using your video links on social media is a great way to advertise in a place where interested parties are already looking.
Great Photos
When it comes to real estate photos, the best ones are pretty much always taken by a professional. Their images will be high-quality and edited to take advantage of the lighting and property features. When having someone come in to take photos, it is up to you to have the property ready for photos. It is not your photographer’s responsibility to clean up, make beds, or remove clutter from the shot. All of the prep and clean-up is up to you. You may consider staging the areas where the photos will be taken. Even if you have to stash stuff in a closet, or purchase a few things to give your potential renters a sense of the property, by all means, do so. A professional photographer will be able to capture all of the great things about your Louisville rental property, making their fee more than worth it.
Highlight The Neighborhood
It isn’t just about the house itself. It’s also about where the house is located. People want to be in an area they love, near amenities they need. If there is a shopping center nearby, a gym, recreational area, great restaurants, access to transportation, or anything else a person could want, be sure to let people know! Many landlords will create a factsheet on the area, highlighting different area businesses and attractions that may be of interest to potential renters. It’s these small touches that will bring more high-quality potential renters your way.
Spell Out The Benefits
Washer and dryer included? Will their commute times be relatively short? Is the property within walking distance to a great restaurant or other desirable attraction? Make sure to include this in your advertising. Some prospective tenants may not know the area as well as you do, so letting them know exactly why your property and it’s location are so great will be a huge benefit for you. Plus, you only have to do the research once, then you will be able to share it with a large pool of potential renters in Louisville .